My Face!

Hi! I’m a Software Dev and Game Developer based in Vancouver BC.
I’ve worked in the industry since 2017 and I’ve been active in many local game jams and indie meetups. My speciality is C# and Unity. Recently I’ve dabbled with Godot and Unreal Engine.

Check out my Resume here or connect with me on social media!

My Face!
My Face!


Marvel Contest of Champions

3D mobile fighting RPG created by Kabam. I worked on MCOC as a Software Engineer from 2019 to 2024. On the Frontend Team, I worked with UI Designers, Server Engineers, and the Unity NGUI system to create new screens and features such as the Hyperlink Glossary. As a Gameplay Engineer, I updated game systems and created new prototypes such as the Support Striker system, Fractured Power Bar, and an unannounced Cinematic Animation system.

🎮 Play it here!


Twenty minigames created by twenty people! 2D Minigame collection created with Godot for Global Game Jam 2025. I designed and developed the framework that manages all our minigames, inputs, and builds. I streamlined the learning process for new developers by hosting tutorials on Godot and creating templates to follow. Between that, I animated and coded several of my own minigames.

🎮 Play it here!

Anywhere But Here

3D Bullet Hell created with Unity for the Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2. I worked online with a team of 4 people and completed the game in 7 days. I made the multi-stage Boss enemy, implemented the UI, and fixed many bugs.

🎮 Play it here!
Anywhere But Here


2D rocket jumping platformer created with Unity in only 12 hours for the Global Game Jam 2024. I worked with a team of 5 and programmed the rocket jumping logic.

🎮 Play it here!

Healing Simulator

2D simulator of what it's like to play Support. Created with Unity for the Global Game Jam 2020. I led a team of 6 people as Team Lead and UI programmer. I also taught a new developer how to use Unity during the 48 hour time limit

🎮 Play it here!
Healing Simulator


Desktop puzzle stealth game based on a "Limited Space" theme. Created with Godot for the Ludum Dare 54. I worked with an online team of 3 and created the puzzles with GDScript and sprites with MS Paint.

🎮 Play it here!

Goo Guy's Great Getaway

2D physics platformer about scaling a mountain while scaling yourself. Created with Unity for the GMTK 2024 Game Jam. I worked with a team of 3 and created Goo Guy's body and controls.

🎮 Play it here!

Older Projects




Software Engineer
Front End Unity NGUI, Unity Gameplay Development

Nexus Media Ltd.


Mobile Game Developer
Front End Unity UI, Client-Side Development

Electronic Arts


Software Developer
Internal Tools, Docker Containerization

University of British Columbia


Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, CPSC 210 (Software Construction) and CPSC 221 (Basic Algorithms and Data Structures)

INGrooves Music Group


Software Developer
RESTful APIs, .NET Web Apps

PNI Media


Junior Developer
Frontend and Backend ASP.Net


University of British Columbia
Bachelor of Science, Major in Computer Science
Graduated May 2017

Completed Courses

  • CPSC 426: Computer Animation
  • CPSC 418: Parallel Computation
  • CPSC 416: Distributed Systems
  • CPSC 322: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • CPSC 314: Computer Graphics
  • CPSC 304: Introduction to Relational Databases



  • C# / Java
  • HTML / CSS
  • JavaScript
  • GDScript
  • C++
  • Python
  • Bash / BashScript / Powershell
  • Haskell For Great Good


  • Unity 2D / Unity 3D
  • Git / Perforce
  • Unreal Engine / Blueprints
  • Godot
  • Microsoft Visual Studio / Code
  • Android App Development
  • SQLServer / MongoDB
  • GIMP / Photoshop
  • Agile Development / Scrum